The taverns are becoming fewer and fewer. And with that, the regulars' tables. At the same time, the need to talk is increasing. Especially face to face. Because the Internet only helps to combat loneliness and decay to a limited extent. The European Capital of Culture Bad Ischl Salzkammergut 2024 therefore invites you to the next round of the Wirtshaus Labor project. In focus: the regulars' table.
Mindset: Stammtisch
In the tavern, the regulars' table has always played an important role. He brings people together, he ensures regular... exchange — and in doing so, he fulfills an important social function. Nowhere else is it better to endure being close to complete strangers than in a tavern. The regulars' table is the unofficial municipal council meeting and gossip, the best main evening program and group therapy. And something very special for me.
I am Kira Saskia Schinko and I am a tavern child. I had already earned my place at the regulars' table when I was three years old. And that's every seat at the regulars' table. As soon as I entered the tavern — as my mother tells me — I was already on other tables, on each lap, and ate with every schnitzel. I worked in service for years during school years. Served properly and served properly — drinks and verbally. You learn a lot in the tavern. And above all, you get to know people. As Gerhard Polt, the best tavern culture ambassador in my opinion, says: “The person who has no experience with regulars' tables has learned almost nothing from life. Unfortunately, he is God's, he lives in other dimensions.” Finding your way around the tavern is therefore a special human skill with a correspondingly unique mindset — who still has a regulars' table mindset today? The rule is: no regulars' table without a tavern, no tavern without a regulars' table. Both are an integral part of Austrian culture. And that is exactly why the Stammtisch should be reestablished.
Regulars' table resuscitation live!
So what needs to be done to revive the valuable “architecture for promoting democracy” — the regulars' table? marketing. Yes, marketing. I come from an advertising background, when something doesn't work for us anymore, we simply look for a new name, a new identity, a new positioning (well) and a change of strategy. What always worked in times of crisis were formats with entertainment and distraction, optimism, a sense of family and community. And so Austria now has its first* “Wirtshaus Show”. A dream come true. For me at least. (* I have at least all WWW addresses — that's enough for me to make the claim.) My regulars' table also becomes a stage. So I will invite guests from film, radio, television and everyday life, there will be music, sometimes there will be cabaret — and maybe even theatre: Halligalli of the most down-to-earth and best kind. With different hosts, at different get-togethers and places, but always with the same goal: talking a lot and laughing a lot. Especially with those who visit the tavern more often anyway. But also with those who aren't: with younger people, with less integrated people, with people who are not established in old age. And definitely in person. Everything that happens there happens live and analog, without television or Internet transmission. So you have to be there to be a part of it. Just like a real regulars' table.
Why am I doing this right there? Shouldn't my show take place in some hipster bar? Absolutely not. My concept is: When talking, people come together — especially in difficult times. And so that people can get together, they must not be bubbling around in the same soup right from the start (New German for: only meeting with people who are similar to themselves). I'm looking forward to the beer and the beer mats, the Maggi place setting and the schnapps cards. And I'm especially looking forward to seeing you!
Premiere 8.6. 2024
GH Rusty anchor
Gössl, Grundlsee